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5 Natural Remedies to Manage ADHD

Millions of people in the country have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). At times, doctors will use medications to treat the symptoms; however, even the natural remedies for ADHD may help. What are these natural remedies or therapies that ease ADHD symptoms? Let us find out. Some of the natural remedies for ADHD are mentioned below: 1. Behavioral therapy In adults, the primary course of treatment for ADHD is medication. However, a few researchers believe that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) also proves useful. The therapy primarily focuses on the current behaviors and thoughts of adults. It enables people to measure their progress towards a goal. For instance, CBT can be used to develop new skills and manage time better or have lesser emotional outbursts. 2. Getting rid of food colorings and preservatives Some studies suggest a few food colorings and preservatives that aggravate the risk of hyperactivity behavior, especially in some children. It is recommended to avoid preservatives and colors. These include sodium benzoate, sunset yellow, quinoline yellow, tartrazine, and Allura red. All these are found in icing, cereal, soft drinks, breadcrumbs, smoked haddocks, sorbets, juices, yogurt, granola bars, cereal, pickles, ice creams, gelatin desserts, a few children’s medications, and soft drinks. 3. Light therapy To keep the circadian rhythms in check, you need to expose your body to darkness at night and light during the day.