U.S. States Migraine Patients Should Avoid

U.S. States Migraine Patients Should Avoid

In many parts of the country, migraine is more prevalent than diabetes or asthma. Despite its seriousness, many people who have migraine symptoms never seek medical help. However, if you are planning to relocate to another state and suffer from migraine, then you need to be aware of a few places that are not conducive for migraine sufferers. They are:

1. Ohio and Missouri
Both these states score high when it comes to food triggers and lifestyle factors, making them the worst states to live in for migraine patients. Some of the most common lifestyle factors that make these the worst picks include high stress and irregular sleeping patterns among residents. Conditions are particularly bad in Cincinnati, Ohio and St. Louis, Missouri. In fact, Cincinnati is one of the worst overall cities in the country for migraine sufferers, and should be avoided by anyone who has ever had migraine symptoms.

2. Tennessee and Arkansas

Both Tennessee and Arkansas are infamous because of places like Nashiville and Little Rock respectively. These two are regarded as the worst places to live in for migraine patients because of their poor environmental conditions. In both these states, there have been repetitive trends of extreme temperatures and rapidly changing weather conditions. These become the prime cause of migraines among people who live in the state.

3. Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Madison has problematic lifestyle factors, which is a primary cause of migraines in many of its residents. Thus, Wisconsin is not the best state to live in for migraine patients.

4. Kentucky

In Lexington, Kentucky, the drug prescriptions for migraine are quite high. It implies a higher number of people with migraine symptoms who reached out to the doctors for medication and treatment for this condition. So even if you plan to move to Kentucky, think about avoiding Lexington.

5. New Mexico

Albuquerque in New Mexico has a high score in migraine-related environmental triggers and should, thus, be off the list for migraine patients to live.

6. New York

There is a heavy consumption of migraine-triggering foods in New York, which contributes to its high number of migraine sufferers.

Here are a few factors based on which a state is labeled a migraine hotspot:

1. Lifestyle

Lifestyle factors include a population’s work hours, air travel, sunburn, frequency of exercise, and eating and sleeping patterns.

2. Drug prescriptions

The prescriptions of triptans per capita are also a giveaway sign of a state’s migraine population.

3. Environmental factors

Environmental factors include everything from weather changes to the altitude, wind, hot and cold temperature, and more. These are vital causes of migraines in people.

4. Migraine-triggering foods

In states where the consumption of migraine-triggering foods is high, the overall migraine cases will also be high. Some food triggers of migraine include citrus fruits, alcohol, chocolate, coffee, nuts, cheese, and pickles.

You need to keep these crucial aspects in mind when planning to move to a new state if you have a migraine problem.