Smells that Cause Migraines

Smells that Cause Migraines

A migraine is a continuous pulsing feeling that is very painful. It occurs on one side of the head and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and blurry sight. Often, migraines get triggered by external or environmental factors like perfumes, smoke, etc. Sometimes, migraines can last from hours to days. But the migraines get managed by taking preventive drugs and painkillers.

Let us delve deeper into smells that cause migraines:

1. Perfumes

Whether a perfume scent smells good or sour, it can awaken migraines. Colognes and fragrances are typical nowadays. You find them in detergents, lotions, and shampoos. Manufacturers use chemical compounds to make them instead of natural products. The chemical compounds cause migraines. Prolonged exposure to products made from chemical compounds causes migraines in some people. If you experience perfume-triggered migraines, stay away from perfumed substances. If you can’t do without them, try using those made from natural compounds.

2. Food odors

Some food scents trigger migraines in some people. For example, onions. Onions and other foods induce emotional changes in brain areas. The smell stimulates the trigeminal nerve. The trigger causes inflammation or a shrink in blood vessels. When one of these occurs, a migraine occurs. If you get affected by such odors, it’s wise to avoid cooking with ingredients that trigger yours.

3. Cigarette smoke

Tobacco in cigarettes triggers migraine attacks. Often, some cigarette smokers complain of migraines once in a while, if not daily. The nicotine in the tobacco causes your blood vessels to dilate. In-turn, the flow of blood in your brain reduces. The result is a migraine. Nicotine is not the only contributing factor. Carbon monoxide in tobacco causes migraines when its level becomes high. Some people are allergic to cigarette smoke. When they come to cross a person smoking it, they immediately get a migraine. Stopping cigarette smoking is the only solution because it’s harmful to your health.

4. Cleaning chemicals

Many cleaning materials come from volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The chemicals released gas into the air when used. Products that release VOCs include:

  • Solvents such as ammonia and paint strippers
  • Detergents ranging from household cleaners, disinfectants to bleaches
  • Cleaning substances containing fragrances like lemon
  • Specialized household solutions such as dry-cleaning chemicals, air fresheners, and pesticides

Suppose any of these products bring you migraines. Replace them with natural cleaning products that don’t have VOCs. Also, ensure that while cleaning, your rooms have enough ventilation.

5. Candles and air fresheners

If you experience migraines often, beware of scented candles. Most scented candles have scents that resemble essential oils. Yet, they contain artificial scents. The scents are solid and irritating and cause migraines. Be cautious when buying candles and avoid scented ones that cause migraines. Some air fresheners also cause migraines. They boast chemical compounds that are harmful to your brain. When breathed in, they narrow the brain vessels resulting in less oxygen supply in the brain. The end result is a migraine.

Migraines can come from food smells, scented substances, and even nicotine smoke. It is wise to stay away from things that bring you migraines.