Heavy Sweating – 5 Foods to Avoid

Heavy Sweating – 5 Foods to Avoid

Sweating is natural, but some people experience more sweating than normal. From having more sweat glands to anxiety, the reasons behind excessive sweating can be many. However, one of them could also be your diet. So, here is the list of five worst foods for heavy sweating that you must avoid in your diet.

1. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods have been one of the most popular worst foods for heavy sweating. This is because spicy foods can give a boost to the metabolism that increases the temperature in the body. This makes you sweat excessively. Eating spicy foods can make your body reach in a way that it is exposed to hot weather conditions. This accelerates the process of producing sweat to cool down the body. So, if you want to avoid heavy sweating, steer clear of spicy foods in your diet.

2. Coffee
Coffee is also known to be the cause of heavy sweating. The caffeine content in coffee can stimulate the production of sweat in the body. Caffeine has been a popular drink among people to kickstart their day. However, it is also the drink that has the potential to stimulate the nervous system. So, it sure might give a kick to your senses, but it also gives a strong jolt to your sweat glands. So, people who like to drink coffee before reaching work might find themselves drenched in sweat by the time they reach their workstation.

3. Raw Vegetables and Fruits
These foods are loaded with fiber and complex carbohydrates. And this means when you eat them, your body needs more energy than usual to digest them. The production of this excessive energy is done by the metabolism, which works faster to keep up with the pace. This results in excessive sweating. Besides, foods rich in vitamin B, such as garlic and onions can also make you sweat heavily. These vitamins are known to increase the temperature of the body and cause heavy sweating.

4. Alcohol
Drinking alcohol widens the blood vessels in the body. This process is known as vasodilation, and it makes the pores to open up wider than normal. This opens a way for the sweat to come out of the body more easily. Therefore, if you wish to prevent heavy sweating during a party, make sure that you avoid alcohol.

5. Ice Cream
Ice cream is the go-to dessert for many people, especially during the summer days. However, did you know ice creams could also make you sweat heavily? Ice creams have high-fat content. Thus, it takes the body to work harder to digest it. This can make the body to heat up and cause heavy sweating. So, it is important to find alternatives that do not make you sweat profusely and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time.