Common Foods that Cause Breathing Issues

Common Foods that Cause Breathing Issues

People suffer from illnesses that are a result of poor nutritive value in their diet. Certain items trigger and flare up breathing difficulty that creates a problem for people with chronic lung and respiratory problems. While we know what foods are included in the diet of people who suffer from breathing issues, we must also know what foods must be avoided. The foods that cause breathing issues are:

  • Salt
    Excessive salt and sodium in food can cause a problem for people with chronic respiratory and lung diseases. Excessive intake of salt leads to water retention in the body, which causes breathing difficulty. Unsalted spices and herbs can be effectively used to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Fruits
    Peaches, melons, apricots, and apples are gas-causing fruits that lead to bloating because of their property of being fermentable carbohydrates. This can cause breathing issues in people suffering from chronic or severe lung and respiratory problems.
  • Legumes and veggies
    Certain vegetables and legumes like cauliflower, beans, corn, cabbage, onions, peas, etc., are cruciferous vegetables that can cause bloating and gas, which in turn can cause breathing issues.
  • Acidic drinks and food
    Tomato sauce, coffee, citrus foods, fruit juices, and spicy foods can cause an acid reflux disease wherein the acid moves into the esophagus from the stomach. This causes heartburn and breathing issues in people suffering from severe lung diseases.
  • Fried foods
    Greasy and deep-fried foods cause indigestion and gastric problems. It causes discomfort by pushing the diaphragm and making it difficult to breathe. Excessively fried food leads to weight gain and increases the pressure on the lungs, which can further cause breathing problems.
  • Dairy food items
    Dairy products like milk, cheese, and so on are known to worsen breathing issues. Milk contains a breakdown product called casomorphin which thickens and increases the phlegm/mucus in the intestines. This causes breathing issues and must be avoided during flare-ups.
  • Chocolates
    Chocolates and caffeinated food items can interfere with the medication provided to treat the respiratory problems that cause breathing difficulties. Hence, these must be avoided by people suffering from lung and respiratory problems.
  • Carbonated drinks
    Sodas, beers, and energy drinks are not good for your lung health as it leads to bloating, asthma attacks, and tightening of the chest that causes breathing issues.
  • Chips
    Potato chips is a processed food that contains a lot of salt and saturated fat, neither of which is good for people suffering from lung problems as it causes difficulty breathing.

These are some foods that cause breathing issues. It is necessary for people suffering from lung and respiratory problems to have a balanced diet. Limiting or avoiding these foods will also reduce the symptoms and help with breathing issues that are caused by their consumption. Staying hydrated is also an important task that is highly recommended by doctors as it keeps the mucus thin.