Cities That Can Worsen Arthritis Symptoms

Cities That Can Worsen Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis is a joint disorder wherein the primary symptoms include stiffness and swelling. The two most common kinds of the condition are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. While there is a multitude of triggers that worsen the joint sensitivity, external conditions such as climate matter too. Hence, some cities in America may not be suitable due to their fluctuating weather. Want to know which American cities to avoid for arthritis patients?   Let us find out.

  • Atlanta, Georgia
    Don’t we all think South as all fun, smiles, and sunshine? Well, that is not quite the case with Atlanta, which is worse than the rest of Georgia in this case. The state is known for its unpredictable and sudden weather shifts. These shifts result in changes in barometric pressure. The weather is so surprising that the morning may seem like a good time to head out for a walk, but the afternoon may be rainy, windy, and flooding. In addition to these erratic weather conditions, Atlanta is also known for being susceptible to hurricanes. It may not be as bad as Florida, but when the hurricanes make contact with the coastline, they cause incessant storms and rain, which leads to joint tenderness and swelling. In Georgia, healthcare for arthritis is equally unpredictable. Health insurance policies aren’t drawn keeping rheumatoid arthritis in mind, leaving the patients vulnerable to financial burdens. This factor, along with its unpredictable climate, makes Atlanta one of the American cities to avoid for arthritis patients.
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    In all honesty, for people with joint pain, not only Oklahoma City but the entire state of Oklahoma is considered the worst place to live in. The city’s near-tropical, humid conditions may feel good on the surface, but they can be quite a pain for your joints. Even though it is not accompanied by persistent changes in the barometric pressure, which is the prime cause of joint pain, many residents complain that humidity does aggravate the aches. The direct relation between arthritis pain and humidity is not entirely understood yet. However, that does not mean that it does not fully exist. More so, humidity is not the only significant problem in the city. The city has fewer qualified professionals to help you overcome your joint pain than the total percentage of existing arthritis patients. Additionally, even the healthcare cost in the state is above the average. Thus, if you think of American cities to avoid for arthritis patients,   Oklahoma City should be a mandatory inclusion in your list.
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
    New Orleans, Louisiana, is known for its humid climate, causing more than a few problems for arthritis patients. The situation is even worse during the summers, as several people with the disorder complain of more flare-ups during the hot months. Aside from this, Louisiana, in its entirety, is one of the rainiest parts of the country. So, that increases your susceptibility to the humidity that storms, which is one of the most consistent arthritis triggers.