8 Early Warning Signs of Leukemia

8 Early Warning Signs of Leukemia

Leukemia is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Apart from the fact that anyone can get this disease, most people don’t even get screened for it. Therefore, no one knows the exact symptoms of leukemia. That is why it is necessary to learn about the early warning signs of leukemia so that you can get the required help at the right time.

1. Pale skin

When you develop leukemia, new blood cells are replaced by cancer cells that overtake the bone marrow, influencing their ability to produce healthy blood cells. Due to a lack of healthy cells in your body, you become vulnerable to anemia that can make your skin pale.

2. Fatigue

As is with many diseases, one of the most common early warning signs of leukemia   is fatigue. If you feel tired all the time, especially if your lack of energy is an evident change from what you usually feel, then be sure to discuss this with your doctor. Anemia may also be the reason for your fatigue. Additionally, leukemia patients also experience pain and discomfort in their limbs and muscles, especially in the early stages.

3. Infection

The integrity of your immune system depends on your blood cells. When you have leukemia, your blood cells are compromised, which makes you more susceptible to sickness and infections. Recurrent fevers and infections are a tell-tale sign of leukemia.

4. Shortness of breath

Fatigue combined with shortness of breath is something you should keep a watchful eye on. If you notice you are out of breath, especially after physical activity, and it feels different from what you are used to, then let your doctor know.

5. Easy bruising

If you are bruising easily, this could be a sign of unhealthy blood cells related to leukemia. Look for signs of easy bruising in yourself or your children that you cannot blame on falls and bumps.

6. Swollen lymph nodes

While it is common to experience swollen lymph nodes due to cold, leukemia can result in swelling for a longer duration.

7. Weight loss

It is possible to see weight loss when you engage in intense physical activities or change your diet plan. However, if you notice that you are shedding pounds without any reason, it can be an early warning sign of leukemia. If you are losing weight inexplicably, without any effort, then you must see your doctor about it immediately.

8. Soreness in bones

Even though this is not a common warning sign, it can be an early indicator of something more serious. The soreness in your bones may be due to excessive white blood cells in the bone marrow. Another reason for it is leukemia. Several reasons can cause bone pain, so consult with your doctor to know the source of your bone pain.

If you experience any of these symptoms or a combination of them, consider getting yourself screened for cancer immediately.