8 Commonly Known Asthma Triggers

8 Commonly Known Asthma Triggers

Asthma attacks are not only scary but also life-threatening. It tightens your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. An asthma attack can be prompted by multiple factors. Understanding what provokes your condition is the first step in preventing an attack. Let’s now discuss a few common triggers for asthma to prevent the symptoms from affecting your day-to-day life.

1. Mold and Mildew
When you breathe the bacteria found in mold and mildew, you can aggravate your respiratory problems. This bacteria settles and proliferates in your nasal airways that causes the mucous to thicken. The best way to avoid it by limiting the humidity. You can get a dehumidifier in your room and set it to 50%.

2. Smoke Inhalation
Inhaling any form of smoke is unhealthy for a lot of reasons, and one of those reasons is asthma triggers. Even firewood smoke can inflame your airways and cause asthmatic attacks. If you are vulnerable to smoke, then you must avoid campfires and request your friends/family members to not smoke in your presence.

3. Pollen
Pollen from flowers and trees, especially during the spring season, is known to be a notorious trigger for asthma. Many people suffering from breathing disorders are allergic to pollen and often complain about its adverse effects on their condition. If you’re outdoors, be sure to check the pollen count the day before heading out.

4. Dust Allergies
They are the most common triggers for asthma. Often found in upholstered furniture, bedding, and carpets, these dust mites can cause serious respiratory issues if they are not cleaned thoroughly.

5. Stress
Sometimes, asthma attacks can be induced by stress. When one is experiencing strong emotions, they may experience hyperventilation. Hyperventilating can cause an asthma attack and put immense stress on your body.

6. Pet Dander
Dander from your pets can aggravate asthma symptoms. Therefore, get yourself tested for allergies before adopting a pet. If you are sensitive to pet dander, then be prepared to keep your animals outside. It’s critical to thoroughly wash your hands after being outdoors with them.

7. Bugs
Cockroaches and other such insects are risky for people with asthma. They can trigger your symptoms and put you in grave danger. That is why you must always keep your house insect-free.

8. Air Pollution
Smog and other pollutants can make it difficult for people to breathe. Clean air is crucial for the health of your lungs. Those living in densely populated cities must consider wearing a face mask every time they step outside the house. You must also avoid going out when the air quality outside is poor.

If you have asthma, even the smallest exposure to these triggers can cause an attack. Therefore, you must learn about these triggering factors to know how to avoid them.