7 Foods to Relieve Cold and Flu Symptoms

7 Foods to Relieve Cold and Flu Symptoms

Food might be the last thing you ask for when you’re down with cold or flu, what with the impaired sense of taste and all. However, consuming the right foods and beverages can significantly contribute to speeding up recovery. Certain foods are natural remedies for soothing cold and flu symptoms and also strengthen your immune system to fight the viral infection. Here are a few foods that can help when you are under the weather.

1. Turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin, a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory compound, that is responsible for its golden hue. Consuming turmeric can boost immunity and help you recover faster from cold and flu. Just add a pinch of turmeric to a glass of milk or sip on turmeric and black pepper tea to soothe a sore throat. You can also sprinkle black pepper and turmeric in your soups, broth, or cooked vegetables to enable better absorption.

2. Extra virgin olive oil

The antibacterial properties present in extra virgin olive oil can reduce your risk of catching the flu. At the same time, its antioxidant properties can protect you against inflammatory conditions like cold, fever, and cough. Consider sautéing your green leafy vegetables in extra virgin olive oil or drizzle it over baked potatoes for a dash of flavor.

3. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has antibacterial properties that can build immunity and also help you sleep without using medications. The refreshing taste also makes it a good beverage when your mouth is dry from all the coughing.

4. Walnuts

Apart from being an anti-inflammatory food, walnuts contain nutrients that help restore immunity. These nuts have vitamins E and B6, folate, and copper, which can help your body recover faster. You can add walnuts to your breakfast cereal, sprinkle them on cooked veggies, or add them to your fruit salad for a crunchy bite.

5. Soup or broth
When listing out the natural foods for soothing cold and flu, nothing beats the good old soup that provides comfort and healing benefits. The steam from the broth or soup helps loosen the mucus to relieve congestion. At the same time, it reduces inflammation and can soothe a stuffy nose. Make a healthy vegetable soup or broth with garlic, pepper, turmeric, and cayenne for flavor and a speedy recovery from cold and flu.

6. Garlic

Garlic has been used traditionally to treat illnesses, fight infections, and relieve the symptoms of conditions like cold and flu. Research says that garlic extracts can boost immune cell function and help you stay healthy.

7. Raw honey

Raw honey is rich in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It has been effective in relieving cough in children and helps strengthen immunity. Just take a spoon of warm honey to soothe your sore throat. You can also add this natural food to your chamomile tea for soothing cold and flu symptoms.

You must also get plenty of rest and give your body time to recover.