7 Foods to Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis

7 Foods to Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that weakens the immune system and stimulates it to attack the protective layer of nerves. Doctors recommend medications and physical therapy to suppress the immune system that can help slow the progression of the disease. Some experts also recommend dietary changes that can benefit people with MS. In this article, we will talk about foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis.

1. Saturated fats

Saturated fats found in tropical oils can make your MS symptoms worse. Reducing your intake of saturated fats to less than 15gms a day will help you manage MS and improve your overall health. The good news is that you are not required to eliminate all fats. Unsaturated fats are crucial for brain development and cellular health. They are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that can help alleviate the symptoms of MS.

2. Diet drinks

Beverages that contain caffeine, aspartame, and alcohol can aggravate your bladder and, therefore, must be avoided.

3. Gluten

According to a study, people with MS generally have an intolerance for gluten. Therefore, you must consider eliminating gluten food products, such as wheat, rye, and barley. The researchers also recommend MS patients to get tested for gluten allergies.

4. Refined sugars

Refined sugars are highly inflammatory that may harm your MS symptoms. At the same time, avoiding sweets can also help you manage your weight, which is an important prevention tip for people with MS. Sugar and high-calorific foods can make you gain weight and aggravate MS-induced fatigue. Being overweight can also inhibit mobility and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Cow milk

Cow’s milk contains saturated fats. Additionally, some people suffering from MS may react to certain proteins in milk. However, before you eliminate cow’s milk from your diet, make sure you are supplementing it with other sources of calcium, vitamin D, and protein. Some experts recommend switching to almond milk, soy milk, and cashew milk as an alternative.

6. Sodium

You must check the food labels to see if it contains sodium. People with MS should limit their intake of sodium to prevent the development of new lesions. Too much sodium in your diet can increase the risk of high blood pressure that has been linked to reduced life expectancy in people with MS. A healthy individual should not consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium in a day.

7. Refined carbs

You must eliminate white bread, white rice, and cold cereals from your diet. These processed carbs increase your blood sugar levels that can negatively impact your heart and overall health. Instead, switch to healthier whole grains like barley, whole-wheat pasta, and brown rice.

If you want to manage your symptoms through diet, then be sure to learn about these foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis.