7 Common Signs of Colon Cancer

7 Common Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer begins in the large intestine. In the country, colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer. Usually, colon cancer is seen in older adults. However, it can develop in any individual regardless of age. There are several common symptoms of colon cancer.   If you are experiencing any signs of this cancer, immediately speak to your doctor.

Common symptoms of colon cancer

1. Changes in bowel movements
A minor stomach infection or an upset stomach can lead to changes in your bowel movements, such as diarrhea, constipation, thinning, or narrowing the stools. However, these changes go away in a few days. On the other hand, changes in bowel movements is also a common symptom of colon cancer. If the change is because of cancer, it will last more than a few days, which could indicate an underlying health disorder. In case the changes last longer than usual or appear more frequently than average, you should visit a doctor.

2. Presence of blood in the stool
At times, colon cancer may not show signs, but the most common warning of this condition is the presence of blood in your stool. However, the mere presence of blood is not a giveaway sign of colon cancer. Blood may also appear as a result of anal fissures and Hemorrhoids. Regardless of the cause, it would help if you spoke to the doctor immediately.

3. Inability to pass stool
Another symptom of colon cancer is the repetitive urgent feeling of passing stool, but when you go to poop, you are unable to release the waste.

4. Bloating and cramps
Occasional bloating and cramps are common digestive issues resulting from gas, upset stomach, or consuming a few types of foods. However, experiencing frequent bloating and incomprehensible cramps may be a sign of colon cancer.

5. Anemia
In anemia, there is a dearth of red blood cells in the blood. It can result from blood loss experienced because of colon cancer. It can be followed by anemia’s common symptoms, such as breathlessness or constant fatigue, and pale-looking skin.

6. Incomprehensible weight loss
If there is an unintentional weight loss of approximately ten pounds or more in six months, it is indeed a sign of an underlying health condition, typically cancer. Weight loss is a common symptom of different cancers, including colon cancer. Usually, weight loss occurs because the cancerous cells release certain substances into the body. This changes the manner of food absorption in the body. Weight loss may also occur as a result of the blockage in your colon due to the increase in the tumor size. This will have a direct impact on your weight and bowel movements.

7. Fatigue
The cancerous cell consumes a lot of the body’s energy. This may leave you feeling drained or tired.