6 Symptoms Commonly Seen in Hep C Patients

6 Symptoms Commonly Seen in Hep C Patients

Hepatitis C (Hep C) can be a mild illness, which lasts only a few weeks to a chronic illness that may stay with you for a long time. Often, people who have hepatitis C do not show any symptoms, particularly in the early stages. At times, they may even not know about the virus’s presence in their body, making it easy for it to transmit to other people.

1. Brain Fog
Brain fog means that the person is unable to stay alert or think well. For someone suffering from this common symptom of hep C, it may be difficult to concentrate. People might even experience short-term memory loss at times. However, not everyone with the virus will experience brain fog.

2. Chronic Fatigue
Another common symptom of Hep C is chronic fatigue. The degree of fatigue may be different in people. A few people with the virus will be able to do the entire day’s work and feel tired only in the evening, while others may find it hard to do even the tiniest job and may feel tired all day long. The differentiating part about this fatigue is that it does not lessen by rest or sleep.

3. Aches and Pains
Most patients of Hep C complain of pains and aches. These are sharp pains over the liver and may be experienced in the abdomen’s upper right corner. This is an alarming pain and should not be ignored. However, this pain might not always be indicative of severe liver disease. At times, even people with mild hepatitis experience these pains. Such pains may be present even after successful therapy. In a lot of people, these pains do not subside even after a while.

A lot of people with hepatitis C virus also complain of joints pain and aches. Though several different kinds of joint pains may be experienced, the most common pain is experienced in the wrists and hands. Although minor, they may soon become severe too. In some cases, painkillers may be used to relieve the symptoms.

4. Pain in the Abdomen 
At times, people with hepatitis C might experience pain in the upper part of the abdomen, which may soon spread to the rest of the body. It can be a generalized pain, which might lead to some discomfort.

5. Loss of Appetite
Although not the most common symptom of Hep C, appetite loss is seen in many people who have this condition. So, if you are experiencing appetite loss or incomprehensible weight loss, it is certainly an underlying problem. Thus, you consult a doctor immediately.

6. Other Symptoms
At times, people with chronic hepatitis C experience a lot of different health issues. These include irritable bladder, irritable bowel, and dry eyes, along with several other similar problems. At times, these may be caused by stress inflicted by the virus.