6 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

6 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

Many people are being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has witnessed a 0.5% increase a year for over a decade. According to experts, the increase in this number can be attributed to early detection as well as poor lifestyle habits that lead to diabetes and obesity. The best way to avoid any complications is to recognize the signs of pancreatic cancer and get treatment on time.

Indications of pancreatic cancer

1. Onset of diabetes
Some people may have no risk factors of diabetes, such as diet, family history, and obesity, and still develop the condition. Alternatively, if you generally have controlled diabetes that has suddenly become difficult to control, then there is a good chance that your pancreas is not functioning optimally.

2. Recurring abdominal pain
The pancreas is located near the nerves and blood vessels that are responsible for causing pain and discomfort. If you experience pain in your abdomen that goes all the way to your back, consider it a warning sign that must be discussed with your doctor immediately.

3. Blood clots
Patients with pancreatic cancer are prone to blood clotting. While it is not known why that happens, the experts believe that cancer cells may reduce the production of proteins that are responsible for blood clotting. If you have no reason to develop a clot, such as surgery, trauma, hospitalization, etc., you must consider getting screened for cancer.

4. Diarrhea
The pancreas not only produces insulin but also helpful enzymes that aid in digestion. They also help break down the fat so that your body can use it effectively as fuel. However, a blockage caused in your pancreas due to a cancer tumor can influence the output of these enzymes. As a result, the fat remains undigested and comes out as foul-smelling, greasy stools. You may also have to go to the washroom multiple times in a day, especially after fatty meals.

5. Jaundice
The pancreas is located next to the liver that is responsible for producing bile. But if your pancreas has a tumor, then it prevents the bile ducts from voiding the bile properly. It leads to an increase in bilirubin that causes yellowing of the skin, also known as jaundice. If you notice the white of your eyes turning yellow, darkened urine, light-colored stools, or itchiness, then get yourself tested for pancreatic cancer.

6. Weight loss
The pancreas is located near the small intestines. A tumor can prevent the food from passing through the intestines, thereby reducing your appetite. If you are not on a diet and still experience weight loss, then consider getting yourself tested.

See your doctor if you experience any of these signs of pancreatic cancer or unexplained symptoms that are causing discomfort. There could be multiple reasons that can cause these symptoms to show up. Your doctor will be able to perform an accurate diagnosis to identify the source of your problem.