6 Lesser-Known Symptoms of PAH

6 Lesser-Known Symptoms of PAH

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a kind of high blood pressure, which directly impacts the arteries in the heart and the lungs. It is a severe health condition and can have a life-altering impact. Though there is no cure for PAH, a timely diagnosis can make a difference. For that to happen, one should know the lesser-known symptoms of PAH.

Lesser-known symptoms of PAH

1. Breathlessness
When one suffers from PAH, they may experience shortness of breath. It is one of the first signs of PAH and usually becomes noticeable when engaging in a challenging activity. Usually, these activities include climbing stairs, walking uphill, or cleaning the house. Leisure activities may now seem complicated and may leave one feeling breathless.

This happens because blood vessels and arteries are responsible for carrying the blood through and into the lungs. Consequently, breathing becomes possible. This inhaling and exhaling routine of the body enables one to bring fresh oxygen to the lungs and exhale carbon dioxide. However, with PAH, the entire exercise becomes challenging, leading to breathlessness.

2. Fatigue
Extreme tiredness or fatigue resulting from illness or overexertion may be experienced in PAH due to poorly oxygenated blood. If the body does not get adequate blood, it means that the brain is not getting sufficient oxygen. The body requires oxygen for all its routine tasks, and insufficiency has a direct impact on the routine. As a result, one will feel tired faster. The brain slows down and makes one feel more labored. In general, a little activity can leave one feeling exhausted.

3. Lightheadedness or a dizzy feeling
A lesser-known symptom of PAH is syncope. When the body does not get the requisite oxygen, it aggravates the risk of fainting or dizziness. It is known as syncope. One may particularly feel dizzy when they engage in some physical activity.

4. Limb swelling
At times, people with PAH may also suffer from swelling or edema in different limbs, such as feet, legs, or ankles. Swelling may develop in the kidneys, making it hard for the affected person to flush out the waste. Furthermore, fluid retention is also high.

5. Irregular heartbeat
Arrhythmias or palpitations (skipped or rapid heartbeats) is also a symptom of PAH.

6. Blue lips
The heart pumps oxygen-rich red blood cells (RBCs) throughout the body to cater to all its functions. However, as a symptom of PAH, the oxygen levels in the body are hampered. As a result, there will be some parts that may not get the requisite oxygen. As a result of low oxygen levels, the lips and the skin may develop a blue color. This condition is known as cyanosis.