6 Factors That Cause Dog Food Allergies
Food allergies in humans are a result of intolerance to a particular food ingredient and it happens in the same way in dogs as well. These are also called adverse reactions to food. Adverse reactions are classified as food allergies when the immune system is involved, and food intolerance when it is not. Here are some causes of food allergies in dogs.
1. Higher Quantities of Certain Foods
The more a dog is exposed to a particular type of food, the higher are the chances of the dog developing an allergy to it. A dog must be exposed to food to be allergic to it. This is why the proteins present in non-vegetarian food is one of the most common allergens of dogs.
2. Dairy
Some dogs find it difficult to digest lactose and end up developing an intolerance to it. Some of the common physical problems due to dairy intolerance include diarrhea, acid reflux, and vomiting. Even if there is an allergy to these products, the symptoms are similar; thus it gets difficult to understand whether the dog has an allergy or is intolerant to dairy. The common difference is that lactose intolerance causes indigestion while allergy can lead to itchiness on the skin and other symptoms.
3. Existing Allergies
If the dog already has one allergy, there may be a chance of others in their system. The best way to understand which food ingredients the dog is allergic to is for the vet to put the dog on an elimination diet. The dog is fed only one or two foods over a course of time and if the dog is not reacting adversely to these foods, they can be included in a regular diet. If the dog is allergic to these foods, they need to be avoided. An example of such a food combination is ground turkey and sweet potatoes.
4. Protein Content in Fat-rich Foods
Foods that are rich in fats will usually not cause an allergy unless there are traces of proteins in the foods. The problem will mostly be found only in highly allergic dogs, and it can cause myriad issues for them.
5. Soy Consumption
This is one of the common causes of food allergies in dogs, and it can cause other serious problems like thyroid, liver, reproductive, and growth problems. Medical specialists have been very direct in pointing out that the physical problems caused by soy in dogs far outweigh the benefits of the food, and thus should be avoided as much as possible.
6. Incorrect Information on Food Labels
Dogs can get allergies due to incorrect information on the label. And you must always be careful about trying out new products, even if the label says it’s safe. Many food products have been known to not mention on their label that the product has traces of protein despite the proven presence.