6 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

6 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

The only silver lining to ovarian cancer is that its early diagnosis makes the condition fully treatable. However, it is easy to overlook the early warning signs of ovarian cancer   as symptoms of a less severe condition. One shouldn’t make the mistake of putting off the doctor’s appointment until the cancer reaches an advanced stage. Instead, it is important to educate oneself about these symptoms to seek timely treatment. Here are some early warning signs of ovarian cancer:

1. Bloating

Bloating is nothing unusual for a woman. Sometimes, menstruation also causes this uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the belly. While it is normal to feel bloated around that time of the month, consistent bloating that lasts for a long time is not. Feeling bloated all the time is one of the most common early warning signs of ovarian cancer , and also the most overlooked one. If the bloating is persistent, then it is a red flag that must not be ignored.

2. Constipation

Facing trouble passing stools is considered a minor aberration rather than a serious condition. But if all efforts to relieve constipation fail, then it should be seen as a red flag.

3. Persistent pain

Pressure in the pelvis and abdomen or consistent pain in the lower back for more than a few weeks is a warning sign. While there are several reasons that can cause this discomfort, it is crucial to note that one cannot attribute an unrecognizable, persistent pain to other factors. Ovarian cancer often goes undetected because its pain-related symptoms are falsely overlooked as weight gain or other less serious problems. These are what make it harder to diagnose in its early stages.

4. Urinary problems

When women start experiencing changes in their bladder, such as painful urination or an uncontrollable urge to urinate, then it is often mistaken as a urinary tract infection (UTI). It usually is. However, issues related to the bladder can also be a sign of reproductive problems, such as ovarian cancer. If one feels pressure or pain in the bladder or an urgent need to urinate, then they must see a doctor to identify the source of the problem.

5. Loss of appetite

Women who have ovarian cancer often find it hard to eat regular meals. In addition to losing their appetite, an early sign of ovarian cancer also includes facing difficulty finishing small meals or feeling full too soon. If one finds this unusual, then they must bring it to their doctor’s attention immediately.

6. Fatigue
Sometimes, loss of appetite and the subsequent lack of nutrition can cause weariness or tiredness. When women have ovarian cancer, their bodies have to put extra work into fighting off the disease. As a result, they may feel tired, which is a common sign of ovarian cancer.

If one is experiencing these symptoms, then it is advisable to discuss with them in detail at the earliest.