5 Tips to Keep Car Tires Safe During Winter

5 Tips to Keep Car Tires Safe During Winter

Taking care of tires is an important aspect of a car’s maintenance. One of the major effects on a tire of a vehicle is from the changes in temperature in the environment. Proper maintenance of tires can help in a comfortable and safe commute, especially during winters. Here are some safety tips for your tires during winter:

1. Keep an eye on the tread

The depth of the tread can affect how your car functions. The depth of it is important in deciding a safe stopping distance for your car. A low tread could mean a shorter stopping distance as compared to what it would be when the tread is fine. You can easily check the tread of your tires by sticking a penny upside-down into the grooves. If the head of President Lincoln on the coin is fully visible, it may be an indicator for a tire change. Winter driving calls for a deeper tread. One of the important car tire tips in winter is to ensure that tread should exceed the depth standard.

2. Invest in snow tires

If you live in a region that has extremely cold weather characterized by snow and ice on the road, you should consider getting a set of snow tires. Doing this and following other winter driving precautions can help in ensuring a safe drive. However, it is important to change to all-season tires as soon as spring approaches for safety. Opt for tires that have a deeper and flexible tread, when choosing snow tires to ensure a safer driving experience.

3. Check air pressure

The right pressure can make or break the car’s performance. During the winters, the pressure can go down by one pound per square inch every time there is a 10 degree drop in the temperature outside. This makes it imperative for you to check the air pressure every once in a while during winters and even before while the season is approaching. Make sure to check the pressure only when the tires are fully cool and not even slightly hot from driving.

4. Rotate tires

Make sure that you rotate the tires every 6,000 miles or according to the recommendations by manufacturers. You may need to do this earlier than the recommended interval if there is any uneven wear or damage to the tires. You should probably set a schedule for a tire rotation every time you change the oil for your car.

5. Use tire chains

Tire chains can help in improving the traction for driving in snow, especially in severe conditions. If you go ahead with this option, ensure that you put tire chains on all the tires and that they are bought according to the size of the tires. There may be some local rules about using tire chains as some regions prohibit it owing to the damage to the roads.