5 Tips That Help Avoid DVT

5 Tips That Help Avoid DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a disease that leads to the formation of a blood clot in your deep veins. It most commonly occurs in your legs. In some cases, DVT shows symptoms, but some people may have the condition without knowing about it. If you want to decrease your risk, then consider following these prevention tips for DVT.

1. Stay Active

Most of us have sedentary lifestyles as we spend most of our time sitting at a desk. It can increase your risk of DVT. If you work in an office, try to find ways to stay active throughout the day. Take breaks after every hour, walk around the building, or take the stairs. Remind yourself to get moving after some time to keep the blood circulation going. If you are unable to take frequent breaks, then consider some exercises that you can do while sitting.

2. Lose Weight

Being obese and overweight is a risk factor for DVT. That is why health experts recommend people maintain their body weight as one of the most crucial prevention tips for DVT. With some simple lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, you will be able to lose weight with ease. However, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance for losing weight safely.

3. Exercise regularly

Apart from staying active, you must also make a point to get sufficient exercise. You must try to fit in at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise every week. If you are pressed for time, consider including an hour of intense exercise each week.

4. Wear Compression Garments

Compression garments are useful in preventing blood clots. These stockings can help prevent the risk of DVT. However, be sure to discuss it with your doctor before wearing them because they can be hazardous for people with diabetes.

5. Stay Hydrated

The best way to stay hydrated and reduce the risk of DVT is by sipping fluids throughout the day. Pay special attention to your water intake, especially when you are traveling. Constantly drinking keeps your body clear of toxins.

6. Wear Comfortable Clothing

Avoid the use of tight-fitting clothing that constricts the blood flow. Anything that compresses your waist or legs can increase your chances of DVT. However, that doesn’t mean the clothes you wear need to be a size bigger.

7. Talk to Your Doctor

If you have a high probability of developing DVT, talk to your doctor about taking steps to prevent it. They may recommend certain exercises or prescribe medications. If you already have a blood clot, they will also be able to recommend proper treatment.

These prevention tips will help you overcome the risk of DVT. It’s equally important to be aware of the risk factors, causes, as well as symptoms that are related to this condition.