5 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Pain

5 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Pain

It is always crucial to make the right dietary choices for overall health and wellbeing. However, if one has arthritis, the foods they choose have an even more significant implication on their joints and bones. Not many people know this, but there are certain foods to avoid for arthritis pain.

1. Wheat products
People with rheumatoid arthritis observe that meals made up of wheat products, such as pasta and bagels, can irritate their joints and cause soreness. This is because wheat products contain gluten that can aggravate arthritic symptoms. Therefore, one’s best bet is to add more whole grains to their diet, such as quinoa and brown rice. They are not only devoid of gluten but also contain bone-friendly fiber. 

2. Butter spreads
Margarine and butter are loaded with advanced glycation end products or AGEs. These substances are a byproduct of food processing that can cause inflammation and soreness in one’s joints. Since AGEs can also be produced by cooking one’s meals on high heat, it is best to avoid grilled, fried, or roasted foods. Instead, one can add hummus that has fewer AGEs and calories than butter. 

3. Processed foods
Burgers and other processed foods can exacerbate arthritis trouble and cause painful symptoms. According to a new study, highly processed foods, such as burgers and pizzas, can stimulate the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria. This bacteria travels through one’s body and erodes the cartilage responsible for providing cushion to the joints. Rather than consuming processed foods, one can swap their meals with healthier options like nuts, seeds, and crunchy fruits that are a perfect snacking option packed with healthful nutrients. 

4. Tomatoes
According to arthritis patients, vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants can cause flare-ups. Tomatoes especially may be responsible for causing arthritic pain due to increased levels of uric acid. If one is suffering from this condition, it is advisable to eliminate tomatoes from the diet to keep uric acid in check. Instead, one can try other veggies that act against arthritis, such as squash, carrots, and Brussel sprouts. 

5. Sugary beverages
When it comes to joint pain, one can never overlook what they are putting in their body, be it food or drink. A beverage laced with fructose has a higher risk of aggravating the symptoms of arthritis than sugary drinks. If one wants to add flavor to their beverages, they should consider having iced tea, a splash of lemon juice, or sparkling water. One will be able to get plenty of flavor without feeding the empty calories found in a sugary drink. 

Besides steering clear of these foods to avoid for arthritis pain, one must also pay close attention to the calorie intake and portion size to keep body weight in check.