5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer develops when one’s body starts overproducing cells, and they extend to other areas. It is one of the most common types of cancer in the country. Although prostate issues usually arise in men, women can get it, too. That is the reason one must know the early warning signs of prostate cancer so that it can be detected early.

1. Urination problems

The most common tell-tale sign of prostate cancer is when the urinary system starts acting up. If one is experiencing issues while urinating, then it could be a sign that something’s not right with the prostate. For instance, if one is experiencing frequent urination, interrupted urine flow, uncontrollable urge to pee at night, or pain/burning sensation while urinating, they must bring it to the doctor’s attention.

2. Blood in urine or semen

Blood in either the semen or urine is one of the most common early warning signs of prostate cancer. As the tumor grows in the prostate gland, it can put stress on the urethra, adjoining glands, and blood vessels. When that happens, the structure becomes blocked or irritated and can lead to bloody seminal liquid or urine.

3. Body aches

An enlarged prostate will cause pain and cause discomfort when one sits down. If cancer has advanced to areas beyond the prostate gland, then the affected person may also experience pain in the hips or swelling in the lower back.

4. Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is not always a psychological or physical condition. Seldom it may indicate something more sinister—prostate cancer. If there is a new onset of erectile dysfunction, then one must talk to the doctor. At the same time, one needs to keep in mind that multiple reasons can cause erectile dysfunction. However, it is also one of those early symptoms that are easy to detect at home. Another early warning sign is painful ejaculation.

5. Numbness in feet 

Prostate cancer causes weakness or numbness in the feet. When cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it can put pressure on the spinal cord. It is a serious symptom because it indicates that cancer has progressed to its advanced stages. Not addressing the problem in time can cause loss of bladder or bowel control.

Importance of early detection
If one is a patient or caregiver, early detection of prostate cancer can help one get effective treatment. As is with most cancers, they are easily treatable when detected in the early stages. Doctors will assess the affected person’s unique requirements and offer personalized recommendations depending upon one’s medical history.

Irrespective of one’s gender, if one is experiencing these symptoms, they should keep these warning signs in mind and discuss them with their doctor. Moreover, a proper cancer screening test is essential to detect the problem at the source.