4 Teeth-Whitening Procedures

4 Teeth-Whitening Procedures

Off white teeth can be a cause of embarrassment when in the spotlight, especially in a gathering. And when normal ways of whitening teeth fail to deliver results, you can instead switch to different teeth whitening procedures, some of which are mentioned below.

1. Toothpastes
Among different teeth-whitening procedures, whitening toothpastes are commonly used. Whitening toothpaste use chemicals or special polishing agents, which help enhance the color of teeth. It is also important to note that whitening toothpaste may take weeks to show effects. Also, you will have to forego some habits, such as excessive caffeine consumption. It is also advisable to opt for an American Dental Association (ADA) sealed product.

2. Dental bleaching
In this procedure, a gel-like solution is used. The solution is first rubbed on your teeth, and then a flashlight is activated. The procedure causes very little discomfort, as you might have to lie still with a tongue and lip retractor for some time. The procedure usually takes an hour to complete, after which the dentist would remove the retractor. The effect of dental bleaching lasts longer than most of the other treatments, provided you adhere to good dental practices.

3. Whitening strips
Among different teeth-whitening procedures, whitening strips are the most popular. Most whitening strips are used twice a day for a couple of weeks. As the name suggests, this procedure includes the application of flexible, thin plastic strips, which have a mild concentration of some bleach. They easily adhere to the teeth and do not cause any discomfort while wearing it. As for the application, you have to wear them for 30 minutes, and then you can remove them. On the flip side, whitening strips can cause slight gum irritation and sensitivity.

4. Veneers
These are small coverings made of porcelain that dentists apply to your teeth. They are mostly placed over the visible part of the teeth. Veneers may cost you a little more than other options and are usually suggested when bleaching may not be the option. Also, veneers take some amount of time to be made, as they have to be custom-made. However, once made and fitted in your teeth, they can last for as long as 20 years. Plus, they hardly cause any pain when attached. However, some who have tried this method have complained of slight sensitivity to cold things.

Before opting for a teeth whitening procedure, it is important that you consult a dentist and then choose a procedure that is apt for your teeth. That way, you would be able to mitigate any chances of hampering the make or color of your teeth. Also, choose products that are ADA approved to be sure of the authenticity and quality of products.