3 Foods to Avoid for Type 2 Diabetics

3 Foods to Avoid for Type 2 Diabetics

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It is one of the most common health problems that has today reached an alarming level among both children and adults globally. Diabetes, if not controlled, may result in severe consequences, such as kidney diseases, blindness, heart problems, and several other complications. Along with medication, one needs to follow lifestyle changes, like eliminating some foods to control the condition. This article discusses three foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.

1. Sugary foods such as sodas and desserts
Certain food items are made of processed sugar, such as candy, soda, and desserts. They are called low-quality carbs. They not only lack the requisite nutritional values but also significantly trigger one’s blood sugar levels, leading to weight issues.

When one consumes refined carbs, it raises blood sugar levels. As a result, the body produces higher insulin to lower the blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that stores fat. When there is a higher degree of insulin in the blood, the body converts the carbs to fat. This fat is deposited onto one’s hips, buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. 

2. Trans fats
If one seeks advice on foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics, the doctor will advise cutting out all the trans fat from the diet, as they are unhealthy. These fats are created by combining unsaturated fatty acids and hydrogen to make them more stable. Foods such as peanut butter, margarine, creamers, spreads, frozen dinners, muffins, crackers, and baked goods contain high amounts of trans fat to elongate their shelf life.

It is essential to understand that even though trans fat does not directly elevate the blood sugar levels, they increase insulin resistance, cause inflammation, and result in the rise of belly fat. These fats also hamper arterial function and reduce the good cholesterol in the body. The best way to avoid foods with trans fat is by reading the labels. If any packaged food has partially hydrogenated mentioned under ingredients, do not buy it. 

3. Dairy products
Dairy is an excellent source of vitamins, protein, and calcium. They also have lactose, which is a form of sugar. It is fine for diabetics to consume dairy products, like cheese, yogurt, and milk every day to meet their daily carb requirement. However, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes aggravate the risk of heart diseases, and obesity is a common side effect of type-2 diabetes. Thus, it is best to opt for the low-fat variants of dairy. Full-fat dairy increases cholesterol levels and accelerates one’s risk of heart ailments.

Some foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics are full-fat yogurt, whole milk, full-fat cheese, full-fat ice cream, full-fat cottage cheese, sweetened yogurts, full-fat sour cream, and sweetened yogurts and milk drinks.