3 DIY Remedies for Dry Eyes

3 DIY Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eye, also known as dry eye syndrome, is a common health condition that can badly affect your life quality. It will not only hamper your time with friends and family but also affect your work productivity. There are medications and treatments, but there are some DIY remedies for dry eyes you can try. To help you, here are three DIY remedies for dry eyes.

1. Use ointments or eye drops
There are several non-prescription products for dry eyes, which can bring you relief. Artificial tears or eye drops offer temporary relief. However, before you start using any non-prescription eye drop, know that they have preservatives. Usually, these eye drops are available in multidose vials, which have preservatives to avoid bacterial growth. If your eyes are sensitive to preservatives or if you have to use the eye drops over four times in 24 hours, it is best advised to opt for the preservative-free eye drops. These drops are available in single dosage vials. Ointments can also be used to get relief from dry eye syndromes. However, these have a thicker texture and are designed to coat the eyeball. They even offer long-term relief from dry eyes. However, you need to be careful with ointments as they can impair your vision. Thus, it is recommended to use them right before you sleep and supplement them with eye drops during day time.

2. Wash your eyelids and eyes

Anytime you wash your face, you need to pay careful attention to your eyelashes and eyelids. You can use some baby shampoo and wash it with warm water. As an alternative, eyelid cleanser sans preservatives can also be used to cleanse your lower and upper eyelids. Be careful with the areas where you have applied facial creams or makeup, as they can tear the film and irritate the eyes.

3. Warm compresses

Tears comprise mucus, water, and oils and help the eyes stay healthy and moist. Flaky or inflamed eyelids clog oil-producing glands present at the edge of the eyelids. It can lead to dry eye syndrome. To loosen clogged oils and get relief from irritations, you can perform warm compresses. It is one of the most popular DIY remedies for dry eyes.   For this, you take a clean cloth and wet it with some water, remove excess water, and then gently place it on your eyes. Let it stay for a minute. Now, press on to the eyelid’s edge with your finger. This will squeeze out all clogged oils. This moist warmth loosens up the glands and releases the clogged oils. Repeat this activity multiple times, but keep wetting the cloth to ensure that it stays warm. To reduce inflammation, you can try warm compresses every day.